Speakers - IFCLA Conference 2024

Speaking on Thursday 13 June 2024

Host of the Thursday Morning 13 June

Menno Weij, BDO, Utrecht NVvIR Netherlands


Hosts of the Thursday Afternoon 13 June

Sebastian Louven, Louven Legal IFCLA Germany
Lars Leemeijer, Brinkhof NVvIR Netherlands


Speaker topic from
Belen Arribas Sanchez, president IFCLA


Welcome at #IFCLA2024

Developments and insights in data, IT, AI

Quinten Kroes,

Brinkhof, Amsterdam

Collusion supervision data, competition and privacy law Netherlands
Paul Kreijger,

Brinkhof, Amsterdam

Collusion supervision data, competition and privacy law Netherlands
John Beardwoord,

Fasken Martineau, Toronto

Developments and insights from Canada Canada
Robert Bond,

Bond&Bond Ltd, The Privacy Partnership Ltd, Londen

Developments and insights from the UK UK
Anna Haapaanen,

Dittmar & Indrenues, Helsinki

Data Act Finland
Monika Menz,

Franßen & Nusser, Berlin

The Data Act, Cyber Resilience, IoT Germany
Dai Davis,

Percy Crow Davis & Co

AI: The concept and nature of artificial intelligence. Possibilities, realities, limitations. UK
Ismo Kallioniemi,

Eversheds Asianajotoimisto Oy, Helsinki

AI, how far is the law behind Finland
Alesch Staehelin,

Uto Legal, Zurich

AI, how far is the law behind Switzerland
Claire Bernier,

ADSTO Legal, Paris

Cybersecurity /

workshop Help!? Hacked and attacked

Lars Leemeijer,

Brinkhof, Amsterdam

DORA / NIS2 Netherlands
Levent Aslan,

Bitvavo / Lions Compliance, Amsterdam

Fintech and bitcoins, MICA Netherlands/Turkey
Anselm Brandi-Dohrn


What is Software? Germany
Dave van Stein,

Xebia, Amsterdam

Process hacker and  security expert


Astrid Sixma,  

Kennedy van der Laan, Amsterdam

Energy hub in the port of Amsterdam Netherlands
Sabina Kloppers,

Kennedy van der Laan, Amsterdam

Energy hub in the port of Amsterdam Netherlands

Speaking on Friday 14 June 2024

Host of the Friday Morning 14 June

Mark Jansen,

Dirkzwager, Arnhem


VIRA Netherlands


Hosts of the Friday Afternoon 14 June

Britt Peters,

ESG Manager & Legal Counsel Tiqets, Amsterdam

IFCLA – Sustainability Netherlands
Soroya Titaley,

Legal Advisor at NOS (IP/IT, Privacy, Media), Hilversum

IFCLA – Counsel of the future Netherlands


Speaker topic from
Dutch Authority Consumers & Markets

[name TBC], The Hague

Data Act and supervision in a new way? Netherlands
Ministry of Economic Affairs [name TBC], The Hague Digital affairs from an economic perspective




[TBC] European Digital Identity and wallets, eIDAS Regulation


Tina van der Linden,

Vrije Universiteit, Hogeschool Utrecht

New skills every I Compliance professional should have Netherlands
Arno Laeven,

Warren Brandeis, Amsterdam

Public values in the digital space Netherlands
Isabelle Gavanon,

Delcade, Paris

Data Act and Compliance by design? France
Robert Bond,

Bond&Bond Ltd, The Privacy Partnership Ltd, Londen

Already well thought of compliance instruments: Codes of Conducts, Seals and more UK
Selin Ozbek Cittone,

Ozbek Attorney Partnership & KPO+ Privacy and Beyond, Londen/Istanbul

International economic cooperation; principles coming from the OECD UK / Turkey
Juliette van Balen,

Olexx/IPadvocaat, Amersfoort

Codes of Conduct under the GDPR and AI act Netherlands
Arne Mombers


What about the digital aspects in the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)? Think security, think data protection, think ethics. Netherlands
Andrea van Sleen

KLM, Amsterdam

Workshop CSRD - Implementing CSRD in practice, what do you do or should you do? Do your “double Materiality Assessment” and share experiences Netherlands
Dave van Stein,

Xebia, Amsterdam


